Saturday, February 27, 2010

What's wrong with the world, I mean the internet.

When we got engaged, we signed up for "" to help with organization, planning, blah blah blah.....and we never used it.  Too much info, too much fuss, and the website in general made me feel like it was prioritizing hair, makeup, shoes, songs, decorations instead of actually focusing on the real event at hand (marriage).  Well, we are celebrating our 5 month anniversary in a few days, and today I get an email from "" with the subject and image:

Is Baby ON the brain or NOT on the brain?

COME ON!!!!!  And we wonder why divorce rates are over 50% in the US!  They are already pushing babies on newlyweds!!  Can't we just enjoy being married without feeling this constant pressure and momentum towards becoming "parents" as opposed to just enjoying our new titles of "husband and wife"??  Really?  Give us some time, you marketing people!

It goes without mention that I definitely DID NOT give my email address to "", and I'm inclined to think that even if I were pregnant, I would not subscribe to this.  And if I ever had an inkling to join, this email definitely convinces me otherwise....what will the sign me up for next, "",  "SecondTime'", ""..... Just nuts.
Sorry for the rant.

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