Thursday, March 11, 2010

Best wife ever.

I can't believe I haven't blogged about this sooner, but I have a lucky husband.  He has a wife who delivers on command (mostly).  I mean, he left the house on his birthday last week and said: "The BEST birthday present you could possibly give me would be if you got a job".
Done. And Done. That's right, he asked and I obliged.


The email Rick sent to his friends was entitled: "Upward adjustment in Robbins Family future Income Statements." Happy husband, happy wife, happy life.  Yay for us.  I start work on Monday, March 15, so the blog might go silent for a bit while I adjust to having a normal life again.  But hopefully I can have some new material for you 4 readers out there.

[Last image courtesy of Naturally Nina.]

I should also mention that I have the best husband ever.  Over the past 6 months, he has tolerated my time as a "lady of leisure" with nary a complaint, he has brought home enough bacon for us to live comfortably in our 702 square foot apartment, he graciously allowed me to escape on short notice to South Carolina, NYC, Nashville, New Orleans, you name it, he is busting his tail studying for a big test 4 months away, and he has kept a smile on both of our faces the whole time.  (Even though he did threaten to move us to Crystal City if I didn't find a job.....not so smiley.)

1 comment:

  1. These pix are priceless! You have the BEST husband, and he has the BEST wife.....Lucky Robbinseseses!
